Click and be amazed. (No, not here you idiot... try the
links below.) A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Waste yours here by
cracking a bottle of likker and then checking out the websites below.
So... You think yer a rockit
syuntist and a veritable Jethro Bodean of the internet when it comes to telling
us all how to fix stuff, eh? Are ya really that smart? Prove it.
See if you have what it takes to make...
"The List"?

Top Ten List Stupid Service Manual Quotes
Ok... so there's only one quote. But it's a really, really
good one. Really. |
Bling... or Not To Bling!
Dat be da
Time to git down wit deez home skillet XJ's!
Ever waste an hour deleting those stupid Nigerian scammer emails?
Then put on a pot of coffee, order a pizza and get comfortable... yer gonna be there a while as this guy makes payback for Nigerian scammers into
an art-form.
Revenge on Nigerian Email Scammers. F'N Funny!
keg, beer, party, smoke, thong,
lingerie, babe, hot, personals, dating, gold, bling, pimp, blog, joke, jokes,
pranks, posters, boobs, boobies, humor, laugh, laughter, parody, parodies,
politics, idiocy, stupidity, stupid, idiot, crackhead, Jeep, Cherokee,
Commanche, XJ, MJ, 4wd, four wheel drive, four-wheel drive, welder, beer,
crack, liquor, gold, scam, grill, homey, homies
News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You
News that makes Wolf Blitzer
look like a crack smoking socialist. (Ok... so CNN has that covered
ScrappleFace. News the way it
'Ott'-a be. keg, beer, party, smoke, thong,
lingerie, babe, hot, personals, dating, gold, bling, pimp, blog, joke, jokes,
pranks, posters, boobs, boobies, humor, laugh, laughter, parody, parodies,
politics, idiocy, stupidity, stupid, idiot, crackhead, Jeep, Cherokee,
Commanche, XJ, MJ, 4wd, four wheel drive, four-wheel drive, welder, beer,
crack, liquor, gold, scam, grill, homey, homies |
Remember "Wacky Packages"?
A veritable 'Who's Who?' of the Redneck world!
Visit here to see if your brother in law has finally gotten his 4-wheel drive
mobility scooter out of the impound lot after that horrible "Hey, ya'll! Watch
this!" episode in the WalMart potato chip aisle.


dull men the same as boring men?
No. Dull men accept their
Boring men are dull men who actually believe that they are
interesting. |
Drunken, semi-naked co-eds.
orangutans with hand grenades.
Honest lawyers who love
(Ok, so I made the last one
up. We all know there aren't any of those.)
Speaking of WalMart and your
Here's some family reunion photos from 'that
side of the family'.

At last... an oil filter made
for dorks who will buy anything.
And I do mean
Sick. Absolutely sick. Not responsible for dain
bramage from laughing at these cartoons...
Did I mention
"sick"? |
Boxing cats? You've got to be kidding. |
Does your job suck?... I mean REALLY
Then you need one of these posters to help spread that 'Corporate Spirit' all over your co-workers.
Tons of demotivators suitable for that walking reproductive organ who signs your paycheck.
Demotivational Posters & Books

If you know who Mr. Wizard is then you're just going
to love United Nuclear!
This site reminds me of all the fun
stuff I used to do with that neat chemistry set I had as a kid... Back when the
government still allowed kids to BE kids and actually go into the basement and
blow stuff up...
Revised on:
December 06, 2015