TJ, YJ, OJ... it don't matter! Cut them fenders and slap a pair on!

No use explainin' this one! It's easy - just remove the old flares & use the new ones for templates with a sharpie magic marker. I used some air shears to make quick work of the fender openings but an air cut-off wheel works great for the motor-skill challenged.

Hand shears will also do the job but be aware that there are left-handed and right-hand cut shears that are intended to cut the metal from those directions.... that's why the metal doesn't want to cut right when you come at it from the other side. (It's the design of the hand-shears.) Be sure to smooth those down the edges and slap a coat of primer on the edge before you put the flares on. Sheet metal screws w/ fender washers will hold everything in place.

Be sure to smooth those down the edges and slap a coat of primer on the edge before you put the flares on. Sheet metal screws w/ fender washers will hold everything in place or you can pre-drill the holes and use long-shank rivets with an air rivet-gun to secure them. NOTE: You can use a hardware store rivet-gun but NOT generic rivets for this! Standard hardware store rivets do not have long enough shanks to go through the flare, fender & washers. An auto body supply house, or fastener specialty store (nuts & bolts supplier) will have them but they will need to know what size hole you'll want to drill and how deep of a shank you'll need on the rivet.

Add the thickness of the fender flare, fender & any washers together and that is the space the rivet has to collapse DOWN to. The rivet's shank must be LONGER than that measurement by at least 3/16" and preferably 1/4" plus have a slightly smaller diameter than your drill bit. It is best to get your rivets first and then choose the drill bit based on the supplier's recommendation.

If ya still aren't sure about choppin' the fenders... see theTJ Fender Flare install or Off-Site links to similar articles.

If you have pics of your own repairs or can suggest other methods - please contribute your ideas (and pictures) to this article!

Revised on: October 04, 2006

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